
Why All the Calls

SLTConf and the larger DuoNB communities are embracing digital-first conversations, so that we can leverage the best of both digital and physical (in-person) means to drive innovation and businesses.

We’re planning to authorize SLTConf by city chapter, so that builders share the same mission and vision as we do can also run the same meetups, public conversations, conferences, or even trade-shows.

Community Calls

The larger global communities around DuoNB and STLConf are meeting together, in Community Calls, to listen to our public sharing and discussion on trending topics around Sustainable Living Technologies and the trending issues.

Partner Calls

Partner Calls are weekly status update calls about DuoNB members’ own learning, work and businesses. We are forging a global network of builders, operators and thought leaders around sustainable living around DuoNB tech and products.

  • Partner calls are hosted on Zoom, Lark/Feishu or other apps of choice

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Apps & Channels

Call Apps
Feishu (China only)
Twitter Spaces

Youtube, DuoNB channel
Twitter Spaces, recorded shows